共為你找到:200筆candy made皮衣 相關企業資訊
Navotech established on Dec. of 2005 with USD 500 thousand capital. The First product line of Navotech is the MCP of Spansion. The business of MCP products had developed rapidly as Navotech became the VAR of Tos hiba and Samsung MCP products lines at the second quarter of 2006. Hence, the SH office was built up. Q4 of 2007, became the agent of Hynix dedicating in Nand flash selling for Memory card, UFD, MP3 and MP4 market, and then made USD 20 million revenue in this field within a year in 2008. Following the IPO burea setting up at the beginning of 2008, Navotech reached USD 45 million year revenue in 2008 besides the Nand Flash business  On Dec. 2008, Navotech established the sales/purchase department for the mobile phone, UMPC and MID products. It’s been estimated to reach sales of 1 million pcs.  By the end of 2008, Navotech’s sales territories have already covered the entire mainland China area as well as Taiwan with USD 65 Million in sales revenue.  In 2009, Navotech decided to be more focus on mobile phone market rather than Nand Flash and IPO business, so quitted from these two business line and then pulled in NMI product line. The Taipei mobile phone sales team was established since. . In the mean time, the LED business was kicking off .  In 2010, Navotech became the 2nd disti of PXI to help PXI develop the camera sensor business for mobile phone application in Great China. Navotech made USD 40M revenue in 2010.
尼采寫道“When virtue has slept, you wake up feeling as new”,為了全新賦予“睡眠文化”這一個革命性具體的定義,“晁慶國際”創立了“SLEEP PASSWORD”這個新銳品牌,期能成為睡眠藝術高端市場的同義詞。 就「睡」的文化來說,我們定義“生活形式”就是著重身體和心靈一致的舒適和健康。照顧自己、寵愛自己、放鬆自己及舒適睡眠都讓我們獲得更好的感受。現在更勝以往,我們所做的每一個選擇,都為了讓人擁有舒適健康及身心的最佳平衡。 SLEEP PASSWORD瞭解“睡眠及放鬆”絕對是身心健康平衡的最基本要件。單單是睡眠還不夠,還要能夠睡得“深沈"。SLEEP PASSWORD的設計師透過全系列精心設計的睡眠系統,每一個細部都呈現其絕佳的搭配性,相輔相成。 尼采筆下“During the sleep process, man is performing in the real world”(透過睡眠,人類得以在現實的舞台上一展雄風),“SLEEP PASSWORD”以現代科學的方法和精神,就人體工學作考量,讓好的設計之於使用者在睡眠狀態的感受中開闢出一條紮實的路途,而所有的著墨期使產品不再只是單一物件僅只能服務單一受惠群眾或單一使用需求的局面,而是以探索根源來作更深入研究:我們體型為何?如何躺下?支撐性喜好為何?我們會如何變換睡姿?我們是瘦的?胖的?高的?矮的?我們在睡眠狀態中是靠邊睡?面朝上?面朝側?面朝下? 結合了這些身體不同的狀態及條件,“SLEEP PASSWORD”的產品就是這些睡眠問題下的研究產物。 歐美國家研發床墊技術已有百年以上的歷史,晁慶國際結合了一群具備20年以上歐洲進口床墊製造研發技術的頂尖人才,承襲著歐洲製床的技術,秉持著奉獻、服務的精神創造了睡眠密碼名床,這個品牌於台灣註冊行銷市場,SLEEP PASSWORD的技術團隊堅信採用頂級的內料、良好的品質、嚴格的品管、完善的售後服務來經營品牌! “SLEEP PASSWORD”堅持用最高的標準製造出最好的床墊,並不斷的研發創新的技術來領導潮流!我們採用了進口的最好內材,擁有最先進的技術,“100% Made in Taiwan”!讓每個消費者不用付出昂貴的代價!就可享受一張藝術品般的床墊,讓消費者擁有最舒適、最好的睡眠品質! ~SLEEP PASSWORD~沒有歐美大品牌公司的歷史,但SLEEP PASSWORD將在時間的考驗下改變床墊歷史,並且將…………創造歷史
yahoo購物中心人氣女裝品牌sweetlove 成立至今已五年,以優質的布料與車工以及日系甜美風格獲得好評 獨家設計打版,台灣限量生產 絕對少見【made in taiwan】風尚衣著 從設計到包裝,所有製程皆在台灣完成~
晟強實業成立於1986年,所有服飾皆以皮革、毛草、絲、麻、棉等天然素材為主,設計生產自有品牌 di marzia、Mon’s、kosmisch之服裝及配件, 強調立體剪裁、優雅時尚 , 傳承歐洲的設計風格於市場上引領潮流,本公司製衣原料,從毛皮拍賣->設計製造->銷售等,採垂直整合經營模式。在服飾同業有良好口碑,深受消費者喜愛,擁有為數不少之忠實客群。 晟強實業代理亞洲客戶至丹麥、芬蘭、加拿大、美國拍賣貂皮、狐貍...等各種高級皮草原料,所有皮草商品皆屬歐美養殖貂皮及狐皮,保證100%符合動物保護法。 晟強對於皮衣,皮草設計與製作累積多年的經驗及對品質的堅持,從顧客的口碑與支持獲得了最佳的見証,因此,晟強將繼續堅持我們的核心價值 , 以高貴的品質、平民的價格、貼心的服務繼續為您提供優質的產
關於曜良實業股份有限公司 曜良公司創立於1982年。 我們的銷售縱橫全世界、美洲、歐洲、中南美洲、亞洲等。客戶包含世界名牌: Nike、Totto、Ikea、Da Kine、Burton、Ping、Belding Sports、Titleist、Taylor 、Made、Gravis、Quicksilver、Adidas、Samsonite、Kipling、Budmil and more。 1990年設立香港分公司,一方面為亞洲區的客戶提供更有效率的服務,另一面則能更迅速獲得完整的市場資訊,與世界流行同步。 1998年與廣德合作為關係企業,在關係企業統合的管理政策下,營運目標及經濟效益將達到最巔峰。 1999年在台灣台中工業區設立曜智貼合廠,生產及研發環保材料(EMB),推廣期間,深受客戶喜愛,運動知名品牌NIKE,ADIDAS已使用此環保材料(EMB)。2002年成立美國曜良分公司;2002年於嘉義廣淼染整廠建力夥伴關係,廣淼為一專業染整廠,在廣淼的加入後對於我們產品品質會有保障。
東毓油壓機械股份有限公司 - 全球油壓機械第一首選 東毓公司成立於1983年,總公司位於南崗工業區,中國寧波亦設有廠房,於日本與印度設有分公司,東南亞,歐洲美洲地區等皆設有獨家代理。 自創立以來,東毓秉持穩健踏實、永續經營的理念,與客戶、協力廠商及員工緊密結合,建立起共依共存的夥伴關係,並持續投入大量資源於研發工作。經過20多年的努力,東毓公司已成為國內外油壓機械產業的龍頭,更是亞洲最大的客製化油壓機械供應商。堅持以自有品牌行銷全球,東毓公司以Made in Taiwan台灣優良產品形象行銷海內外,遍及全球五大洲、六十餘國,許多產業界執世界牛耳的跨國性大廠均是東毓公司長期合作的客戶。 - 認證:ISO9001, CE, EMC - 跨國技術/銷售通路合作伙伴: 法國百年射出機大廠: REP 法國瑞普 -東毓生產之機械遍銷世界六十餘國,在全球橡膠業界擁有高度市佔率與及品牌知名度。 -2008年榮獲第十七屆國家磐石獎。 -2009年榮獲第十屆工業精銳獎。 -2010年參與塑橡膠機械「研究發展創新產品」競賽活動,榮獲『優等獎』 -2010年榮獲TTQS訓練品質評核系統標竿單位
TA SHUAN Co. Ltd was established in 1999, located at Lot No. 7-9-11, Road No. 1, Tan tao Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, with factory area 12000 square meters Our scope is from the mold making to the plastic product injecting, all processes are done by Ta Shuan Company. All the products of plastic ware are exported to Taiwan, South Korea, Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, USA, Mexico … Our production capacity for exportation reaches more than fifty 20 containers per month. Since 2007, in order to increase the production capacity for meeting requirement of E.U customers, Ta Shuan Co. Ltd has invested an other factory with the name Pao Yeng Company located at Lot 8, No. 7 Road, Tan Duc Industrial Zone, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Vietnam, with factory area 15000 square meters We will be able to perform all tasks from design to finish by using computer 3D-Modeling & Design, mold processing & Making with CAD-CAM and CNC technology. We also can produce new plastic wares by using extrusion machines, Injection machines, assembling and packaging for export. Our production capacity will be over 60 containers per month. With our full set equipment, we can open new mold for producing 20 items per month. At the being time, we have about 800 items of plastic household ware in our catalog. Most of these products were plastic household ware, kitchen plastic ware, plastic stationary, computer plastic peripheral, bathroom plastic accessory, garden plastic tool, garden plastic decoration item, poly resin gift ware (hand-made) … By that way, we are the only one plastic manufacturer (from designing & making mold to producing the plastic products) in Vietnam who can produce plastic ware products which designed for EU market.
Dahab has been a leading and reliable manufacturer and exporter of high quality store fixture systems, shop fittings and display equipments, exporting large volume through our customers’ sales networks mainly in the Europe and Middle East countries since 1982. Dahab specializes in OEM ODM business, especially for Europe countries and is the first factory running the European series of highest quality of display racks in Taiwan successfully. The reason we can reach this goal is that the surface finish of our products is made with nice workmanship and fine chrome plating that display with bright shiny appearance. Besides, in manufacturing procedure, quality control and strict inspection are held to assure the consistent quality of our products. For the reason to meet customers demand and fulfill the market requirements for displaying accessories. “ Maisin Corporation” that is Dahab’s sister company transformed into offering a wide range of display systems: acrylic displays, cable systems, rails accessories, shelves brackets, glass connectors supports, grid panels accessories, wire shelves accessories and etc. Both Dahab and Maisin are leading houses in shop fittings field. We trust that the superior quality, competitive price and prompt delivery of our products will please customers and repeat business will surely follow.
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